
An instrument, piece of equipment, used in an experiment for various purposes, such as delivering stimuli or measuring responses during an experiment.

1. General Mental Ability Test for Children 7 to 11 years(GMATC) H. R.P. Srivastva & Kiran Saxena
2. Group Test of Intelligence (PGT) E. Pramila Ahuja
3 Group Test of Intelligence (GGTI) E. G.C. Ahuja
4 Verbal Intelligence Test (VIT) H. R.K. Ojha & Raychoudhary
5 Group Test of General Mental Ability 1972.(JGTMA) H. S. Jalota
6 Group Test of Intelligence(EGMAT) E. S. Jalota
7 Group Test of Intelligence 2/70 E. R.K. Tandon
8 Group Test of Intelligence 1/61 H. R.K. Tandon
9 Mixed Type Group Test of Intelligence H/E P.N. Mehrotra
10 Bicycle Drawing for Measuring intelligence T.R. Sharma